Tuesday 17 April 2012

nEw LIfe at Kirkby International College

From Mara College Kuala Nerang , I'm moving to Kirkby International College (KIC) under teachers' training program . Honestly speaking , I was so on cloud 9 when I received a text from Ministry of Education about this offer . And world , I am going to show you some photos of my new college .

My college , Kirkby International College

 Inside the college . How I wish I could own this huh =,=

 I stay here , Cyberia Crescent 1 .

our apartment .

Swimming pool . Cool place to release our tension after a tiredness day !

Basket Ball Court . A place to get closer with foreigners . 

1 comment:

  1. Hai,saya dapt tawaran belajar kat sini best ke?mewahnyaaaaa
